

Founder and CEO of Premiere Prep, dedicated to educational excellence.

Curriculum Coordinator


Curriculum Coordinator focused on developing effective educational programs.

Comprehensive Counselor


Comprehensive Counselor focused on holistic student development.

College Applications Specialist


College Applications Specialist helping students with admissions.

Who we are, and what we do is...

we make the college application to acceptance process simple.

We're professional educators that understand the all sides of the college acceptance journey, helping students enhance their profiles and increase their success with their choice school.

Who We Are

Professional educators with decades of experience providing educational advancement services tailored to high school students.

What We Do

Our team provides customized one-on-one academic counseling services to enhance our students’ profiles while increasing their success.

Why We Do It

We take pride in nurturing our students to become well-rounded and competitive, while helping them select a university that is the best fit.​

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Have a million questions? 
We, don't have time for a million questions,
but we do have time for a free phone consultation.


Premiere Prep helps students present their best self throughout each stage of the college admissions process